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  • Writer's pictureKaren Stewart

What is Hipaa Compliant Email?

HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, and its rules set the standard for privacy and security of patients’ personal information. Any business that works with patients’ PHI — names, addresses, medical records, or other identifiable info — must follow HIPAA regulations. This includes healthcare organizations, as well as the many administrative, financial, legal, consulting and management businesses that work with their clients’ PHI.

Email is a critical tool for most medical practices — especially when sending forms, automatic appointment reminders, and follow-up information to patients. Using an email solution that’s hipaa compliant is crucial to ensure that sensitive patient data is safe during the entire communication process.

When it comes to email, HIPAA compliance means that the data must be protected at rest and in transit (either through encryption or secure messaging portals). It also requires an advanced email system with data loss prevention, content control technologies and a full audit log of all message activity. Additionally, the solution must support HITRUST CSF certification to meet the highest security standards for storing electronic PHI.

It’s important to remember that a single violation of HIPAA rules is enough to put your business at risk. Even the best healthcare organizations have experienced a breach at some point. The most common entry points for breaches are unsecured emails, so it’s vital to have a robust email security system in place.




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